Try Online Art Classes This Summer!

Like a lot of you homeschooling families (and non-homeschooling families, too), my family is all about the fun-led learning during the hot summer months. We read, play educational games, and do a lot of art and science!  In particular, online art classes have been a wonderful addition to add a lot of  fun – and a little structure – to hot summer days!

Sparketh’s online art classes have been such a great resource for my daughter this summer. Over the past year, it’s been awesome to see my daughter reach an age where she can start using Sparketh‘s online art classes independently and loving them (she is almost seven.)

As a work-from-home parent, online art classes have also made it easier for me to find life/work balance in the summer season, when our family has been on a less structured schedule. Online art classes are something I feel great about my daughter doing when my attention is needed elsewhere– not just because she enjoys them, but also because art has so many powerful benefits for kids!

If you’re looking for something fun, (semi) structured, and educational for your kids to do this summer, you really can’t go wrong with online art classes for kids. Here are a few reasons that summer is the best time to start Sparketh’s online art classes!

1. Online Art Classes Offer Fun, Structure and Independence 

The structure of any kind of classes can be great (for both kids and parents) during semi-aimless summer months, but Sparketh’s online classes also give kids the opportunity to learn how to draw or paint what they want, in the styles that appeal to them most.

Sparketh‘s courses are also self-paced, which means that your child can complete 1 course per hour, or day, or week (you get the idea.) Courses also range according to level of difficulty. Some days your kid or teen may want to do a longer, more involved course and other days they may want to do something quick, fun and easy. The blend of structure and independence that comes from Sparketh’s online art classes can be a great way to offer your child both structure and independence…doing something they’ll love!


2. Online Art Classes Have Mental & Emotional Benefits

Regularly practicing art is the perfect way to keep those creative and critical thinking skills active this summer (all while keeping things fun!). Check out these article on How Art Supports Good Mental Health in Kids and Teens and Students Need Art: Here are 10 Reasons Why to learn about some of the amazing mental & emotional benefits of art for kids and teens.

Just to give you a quick summary, some of the mental and emotional benefits of consistent art practice include increased:

  • Self-awareness and self-expression
  • Confidence
  • Regulation of emotions
  • Communication skills
  • Critical and creative thinking skills
  • Focus
  • Self-confidence

Essentially, online art classes can help make art a regular habit for your kids because they are available as often as your child would like to learn! This can have some pretty powerful long-term benefits: mentally and emotionally.

3. Online Art Classes are a Portable and Cost Effective Alternative to Traditional Art Classes (Perfect for Summer)

One thing that students (and parents) love about Sparketh’s online art classes is their portability. If you have a laptop, a tablet, or even a smartphone, you can take your art classes “to go.” This is especially great during summer, when travel plans would disrupt traditional art classes.

Sparketh is also a LOT less expensive than traditional art classes. Many people don’t realize that each Sparketh membership comes with two individual student accounts, which keep up with student courses and portfolios. This makes it even more affordable for families with two (or more) children who are interested in art.

The portability and affordability of Sparketh’s online art classes is a perfect fit for summer. While you want your kids to be engaged and learning, you also likely want the ability to take some trips this summer!

4. It’s Something Your Whole Family Can Enjoy to Make Summer Memories

I already mentioned that each Sparketh membership comes with two student accounts. Each of these accounts keep track of which courses students have completed, and gives that child an online portfolio for his or her artwork/progress.

However, as a parent, I’ll admit that I also love sitting down with my daughter to complete a Sparketh online art class, together! It’s a really fun way for us to do something creative together (that requires zero planning on my end.) Doing art together as a family is seriously just so relaxing, and it’s a great way to make memories together.

Of course, anytime of year is a great time to get creative, relax, and make memories. I’m not saying summer is the only time you can or should do these things— just that it’s a good time to do them!


5. Summer is the Perfect Time for Your Child to Dive Into His or Her Passion for Art!

During the school year, kids are busy learning a huge variety of subjects. Summer can be the best opportunity for kids to learn more about something that they are interested in!

Most parents are drawn to  Sparketh because they have kids and teens who want to learn more about art.  The online course library offers a variety of classes which can help kids discover more about different art techniques and styles in an easy to follow, step-by-step approach.

These summer months are the best time to help your child dive into something he or she loves! And if art is something your child loves, Sparketh is an awesome, self-paced, portable, non-intimidating way to learn more about it!

If you’ve been thinking about trying out Sparketh’s online art classes for your kids, summer is a great time to get started. There’s really no better time to see how it works for you and your kids.  Plus, you can currently get the first 30 days of your membership for free! (What better time to try Sparketh for free than summer, when your child has more free time than usual?)

Click here to check out Sparketh’s 30 Days Free Offer.