Draw a Horse
Activity, Beginner
In this course you’ll be going down Old Town Road to learn the ins and outs of sketching your very own horse. Grab your paper pencil because it’s going to...
Preview Course26 Courses | 147 Videos
In this course you’ll be going down Old Town Road to learn the ins and outs of sketching your very own horse. Grab your paper pencil because it’s going to...
Preview CourseIn this course, Amy takes you on an exciting adventure drawing one of her favorite mystical characters. You’ll learn the details of painting a beautiful and fierce Japanese dragon from...
Preview CourseDogs love to explore! Let’s learn how to paint a dog exploring nature near a lake. 0...
Preview CourseWhales are sooooo big that they make water splash everywhere when they blow it out! Let’s paint a visual of that. 0...
Preview CourseWhat is cute, furry and has 9 lives? You guessed it. A cat! In this course you will learn how to apply advanced techniques to draw a realistic cat. 0...
Preview CourseA lot of people are really scared of snakes. Let’s face our fear and learn how to draw one of these feared animals. 0...
Preview CourseSparketh challenges you to challenge yourself in this course, Robopet. You will learn to create a cool character! 0...
Preview CourseIn this course you will learn how to apply watercolor techniques to paint one of the most beautiful birds. 0...
Preview CourseThe praying mantis is named for its prominent front legs, which are bent and held together at an angle that suggests the position of prayer. Let’s color this unique religious...
Preview CourseFishes are come in all type of colors. So, let’s color a beautiful fish in your own unique style. 0...
Preview CourseYou don’t have to own a pet fish to know they are majestic creatures. In this course, we take an up close look at fish and recreate the beauty with...
Preview CourseSparketh challenges you to challenge yourself in this course, My Butterfly. You will strengthen your ability to create unique animals. 0...
Preview CourseTurtles are one of the only animals that are found on all the continents except for Antartica. As you know, they walk reallllllly slow! So let’s take our time to...
Preview CourseElephants are the largest land animals in the world! In this course we are going to fit this large beautiful animals on one canvas. 0...
Preview CourseButterflies are some of the most elegant and beautiful insects on earth. In this course, we sketch, outline, and color a bright orange butterfly in mid-flight. 0...
Preview CourseWith only 2,000 pandas found in the wild, we are only going to learn how to draw one of them. 0...
Preview CourseDo you remember the last dream you had? In this course we’ll paint a dreamcatcher owl that will help you remember all the dreams you have! 0...
Preview CourseSparketh challenges you to challenge yourself in this course, Pet Friend. You will strengthen your ability to draw unique characters based on nonhuman things. 0...
Preview CourseHave you ever seen a bird in a tree at night? In this course we are going to paint two birds who went on an adventure and flew onto a...
Preview CourseBunnies are one of the most cutest animals ever! This course is all about drawing a super creative and cute bunny. 0...
Preview CourseThere are 275 different types of Bumblebee in the world! Today we are going to learn how to draw one of them. 0...
Preview CourseThis course will highlight the prominent 20th-century painter Henri Matisse. The techniques Matisse used that we will also discuss are spatial distortion and vibrant color. We’ll take his famous painting...
Preview CourseThis is the season of giving thanks for all of your blessings. In this course we will admire this time of year by drawing a turkey. 0...
Preview CourseOne of the interesting things about textures is that even if two objects have the same surface it could have two different textures. This course shows you how to tweak...
Preview CourseEvery texture isn’t used in every drawing, but by learning all the different ways to create them, you’ll be ready to draw anything realistically. 0...
Preview CourseTree frogs are cute little frogs that love hanging out in trees. Jump in this course to learn how to draw your very own tree frog. 0...
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