All Drawing Posts

Manga Beards

Posted on January 30, 2018 in Uncategorized

In this course we are going to learn about all the styles of beards you can add to your character...

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Manga Man Character

Posted on January 24, 2018 in Uncategorized

In this course we are going to create a Manga male character using human proportions as a reference. 0...

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Drawaphobia Challenge

Posted on October 15, 2017 in Uncategorized

Sparketh challenges you to challenge yourself in this course, Drawaphobia where you will learn to visually communicate your fear. 0...

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Compliment Me

Posted on July 4, 2017 in Uncategorized

Sparketh challenges you to challenge yourself in Compliment Me where you will learn how to use unorthodox colors effectively. Challenge...

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Drawing Bubbles

Posted on April 24, 2016 in Uncategorized

Whether you are drawing bubbles flying through the air, an underwater scene or just sketching a fizzy glass of soda...

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Shiver Shapes

Posted on December 14, 2015 in Uncategorized

Sparketh challenges you to challenge yourself in this course, Shiver Shapes. You will learn to take any basic shape and...

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Posted on December 6, 2015 in Uncategorized

Have you ever tried to balance on one leg? If you don’t figure out how to balance out your weight...

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Cubes In Depth

Posted on October 12, 2015 in Uncategorized

We’ve learned how to draw a cube but now lets learn the ins and outs of adding visual effects to...

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Spheres In Depth

Posted on October 5, 2015 in Uncategorized

We’ve learned how to draw a sphere but now lets learn the ins and outs of adding visual effects to...

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Simple Patterns

Posted on September 20, 2015 in Uncategorized

This course is all about patterns. Patterns. Patterns. Art that visually repeats. Repeats. Repeats. 0...

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Draw a Glass of Water

Posted on September 6, 2015 in Uncategorized

Drawing water may sound difficult, but now you can learn all the steps to getting it done. Thirsty yet? Let’s...

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Contour Lines

Posted on August 30, 2015 in Uncategorized

When you take the time to eliminate all the details from an object you’re left with contour lines. Contour lines show the form...

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